The long march to wherever

Back on track; computer working – for the time being at least – and novel progressing according to the detailed plan (of course the characters keep thinking and doing things one hadn’t intended them to think and do, but if they didn’t they wouldn’t be alive, and they can usually be brought under control).

I’ve had a brain-battering few days of travelling, storytelling and concerts so I don’t know whether I’m exhausted or stimulated. Both, I suppose, but in what proportions I can’t say. My immediate aim is to complete the first section of the novel, which is supposed not to exceed 25,000 words (but it probably will), and then ask someone suitably cynical to read it and point out its inadequacies to me. But with a head full of beautifully-told folktales, I need to pause and draw breath otherwise I’ll contaminate my embryonic text with superior material…

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