Archive for February, 2015

I’m still here – and still being BUSY!

What’s to add to the blog I posted last week? Quite a bit, actually: During the past four days I’ve attended the AGMs of two organisations of which I’m secretary (the creative writing group and the Glossop Concert Society) and…


First blog for a while… busy, busy, busy

The older I grow, and the further the date of my official retirement recedes behind me, the busier I become. I shouldn’t complain; it’s gratifying to be valued rather than overlooked when one becomes an old codger. But I wish…


52: loves – a new collection of stories and poems

My friend Yolanda Christian has devoted much time and effort to assembling a collection of pieces about “love” in all its many guises: one piece for each week of the year. If you’re looking for a Valentine’s Day gift for…
