Definitely Spring!

As I predicted in a recent blog, a few days of fine sunny weather have released the coiled Spring. Within 72 hours, bare branches have become green, flowers have bloomed, cherry and magnolia blossoms have brightened our gardens. It’s raining again now, one of those April showers that last most of the day, but the season has started to catch up with itself.

Now that April is three parts over I’ve remembered to put my activities for April and May on to my website. Nothing like forward planning, is there? So I think I’d better put in a timetable that’s both retrospective (April) and prospective (May and June). Like the Spring, I’m trying to catch up.

One activity to which I’m looking forward is the open mic session at Petersgate Tap in Stockport on 9th May, organised by my good friend Margaret Holbrook. She’s invited three people to present new play scripts, each to be read by an appropriate number of ‘actors’ rather than actually acted, and I’m honoured to be one of the three. Accordingly, I’ve composed a ten or fifteen minute piece for three voices so that our “Anonymous Three” group (Carol, Patsy and I) can perform it. It’s called Shakila and the Guardian Angel; a Guardian Angel with limited powers protects Shakila McClare, a family-loving thief, from sin… and from her alleged Uncle Albert.

The system won’t allow me to insert photos into blogs at the moment, for reasons quite beyond my technically challenged mind, but the hoopoe I saw the other day – apparently only the third sighting in the north of England during the past quarter century – is now the talk of Derbyshire. One of my neighbours got a photo of it in his garden and it’s been widely shared, and much envied!


  • Hi Mark, Walking daily circuits of West Park, Macclesfield, at a very modest pace as part of my convalescence, I have plenty of time to take in the magnificent pink riot of the cherry blossom display and the scent of these and other Spring flowering trees. It seems likely that the brilliant sunshine of the present spell of good weather may see them go past their best far too quickly. Perhaps the hoopoe visitor has followed the sunshine! Unfortunately, I shall have to miss the Petersgate Tap evening. Hope you get a good turn out for the 3 new pieces. Phil P.

    • Phil, I hardly expected you to make Petersgate Tap on the 9th, but it’s great to learn that you’re out walking in the park and enjoying the glories of a delayed but beautiful Spring! The hoopoe was around for a couple of days but then he disappeared again, probably headed south after the wind changed direction.

      May your convalescence continue apace – maybe you’ll be well enough for the Rems open mic on the 30th?

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